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, 19:37 Обычно мы пытаемся улучшить нашу память, но последние исследования этого сложного явления приносят информацию и об обратн…
, 19:37 Обычно мы пытаемся улучшить нашу память, но последние исследования этого сложного явления приносят информацию и об обратн…
, 17:20 Обычно мы пытаемся улучшить нашу память, но последние исследования этого сложного явления приносят информацию и об обратн…
, 11:30 Обычно мы пытаемся улучшить нашу память, но последние исследования этого сложного явления приносят информацию и об обратн…
, 23:00 Обычно мы пытаемся улучшить нашу память, но последние исследования этого сложного явления приносят информацию и об обратн…
, 18:45 Обычно мы пытаемся улучшить нашу память, но последние исследования этого сложного явления приносят информацию и об обратн…
If you want to forget an embarrassing encounter, you may just need to try. Forgetting isn't a passive process – so here's how…
We store memories using a variety of contexts — sights, sounds, smells, who was there, the weather, etc.
23. Mai 2016 Teilen Unser Leben lang sind wir damit beschäftigt, Dinge zu lernen und zu behalten.
Научная фантастика, знакомая нам лишь по фильмам, стала научным фактом. Согласно данным нового исследования, опубликованного в жу…
© Pexels, Public Domain "Unethical amnesia" explains why memories of our wrongdoings fade over time.
We've all lied or cheated at least once, from faking sick to miraculously winning at Monopoly.
May 16, 2016 03:10 AM EDT We all have that certain memory we'd want to forget like a first date gone wrong or an embarrassing…
May 16, 2016 03:10 AM EDT We all have that certain memory we'd want to forget like a first date gone wrong or an embarrassing…
Sonnenstrahlen, die durch die Spitzengardine am Küchenfenster schimmern, eine geblümte Schürze und der Duft nach frischem…
Whether it's an embarrassing situation at work or a bad date, everyone has memories they'd rather forget, and now new research…
Photo: Hugh Kretschmer/ Memories aren’t neat, self-contained wholes; summon up a specific incident from your past, and you’re…
(Bigstock) May 12 at 12:11 PM Whether it’s an embarrassing situation at work or a bad date, everyone has memories they’d rather…
(Bigstock) May 12 at 12:11 PM Whether it’s an embarrassing situation at work or a bad date, everyone has memories they’d rather…
Whether it's an embarrassing situation at work or a bad date, everyone has memories they'd rather forget, and now new research…
There are plenty of people who might benefit from intentionally forgetting certain memories—those who've been in combat, or…
(Newser) – There are plenty of people who might benefit from intentionally forgetting certain memories—those who've been in…
Quante volte avete pensato di voler dimenticare un'esperienza vissuta? I ricercatori hanno scoperto che il nostro cervello è in…
03:31pm ET MORE Credit: Olena Zaskochenko/Shutterstock.com Whether it's an embarrassing situation at work or a bad date…
Whether you're a student trying to memorise facts for an exam, or a new staff member getting to grips with the ins and outs of…
Emlékeink érzelmi, gondolati környezete erősen befolyásolja, hogy mennyire tartósan őrzi meg őket memóriánk.
© Engadget 日本版 提供 1週間のあいだに拾いきれなかったをニュースを集めてお伝えします。今週は「フライドチキンの味がするマニキュア発売」「脳死判定からの機能回復をめざす臨床試験」「マイクロ波による無侵襲式血糖値測定」などをまとめました。 フライド…
CONTEXT IS EVERYTHING in many walks of life and memories are no different. A new study from Dartmouth and Princeton…
A new brain scanning study shows that people can intentionally forget past experiences by changing how they think about the…
Source: Bruce Rolff/Shutterstock Researchers at Dartmouth College have discovered that both good and bad memories are…
See Also Scientists Discover Two Ways To Actively Forget An Unwanted Memory Popular Sleep Drug Ambien Ingrains Bad Memories…
Memory-zapping devices like those in "Men in Black" and "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" could soon be a thing of the…
Lucélia Ribeiro | Flickr Not, everybody can forget a heartbreak, but thanks to a new study, it is now possible to intentionally…
By: IANS | New York | Published:May 7, 2016 1:49 pm Not been able to fight bad memories? Maybe, your approach is wrong.
New York, May 6 (IANS): It is possible for us to intentionally forget past experiences by changing how we think about the…
By changing how we think about the context of past memories, it is possible for us to intentionally forget past experiences…
An anonymous reader writes: When people say, "Forget you heard that," they don't usually mean literally.
Context plays a big role in our memories, both good and bad. For example, there's probably a song that reminds you of your…
When people say, “Forget you heard that,” they don’t usually mean literally. But it turns out that you can stop yourself from…
7 May 2016, New Delhi, IANS It is possible for us to intentionally forget past experiences by changing how we think about the…
Who doesn’t have memories that would best be forgotten? The time you had a little too much to drink at a friend’s wedding, that…
Context plays a big role in our memories, both good and bad. Bruce Springsteen's "Born to Run" on the car radio, for example…
New York: It is possible for us to intentionally forget past experiences by changing how we think about the context of those…
It is possible for us to intentionally forget past experiences by changing how we think about the context of those memories…
NEW YORK: It is possible for us to intentionally forget past experiences by changing how we think about the context of those…
It is possible for us to intentionally forget past experiences by changing how we think about the context of those memories…
RECENT ARTICLES RECENT GALLERIES New York, May 6 (IANS) It is possible for us to intentionally forget past experiences by…
New York, May 6 : It is possible for us to intentionally forget past experiences by changing how we think about the context of…
New York, May 6 (IANS) It is possible for us to intentionally forget past experiences by changing how we think about the…
New York, May 6 (IANS) It is possible for us to intentionally forget past experiences by changing how we think about the…
Context plays a big role in our memories, both good and bad. Bruce Springsteen's "Born to Run" on the car radio, for example…
HANOVER, N.H. - Context plays a big role in our memories, both good and bad. Bruce Springsteen's "Born to Run" on the car radio…
Context plays a big role in our memories, both good and bad. Bruce Springsteen's "Born to Run" on the car radio, for example…
Previous Article Add to Favorites Contact Information Available for logged-in reporters only Citations Psychonomic Bulletin
Jeremy Manning, an assistant professor of psychological and brain sciences at Dartmouth College, and his collaborators show…
HANOVER, N.H. - Context plays a big role in our memories, both good and bad. Bruce Springsteen's "Born to Run" on the car radio…